Sunday, October 4, 2009

I don't believe in repercussions

Beer connaisseurs, rejoice!

Maybe it's the air of the season or the fact that Oktoberfest's aura is still warming up my night. I don't know. I just have a new-found respect for my smooth, refreshing friend. The simplicity is almost overwhelming. Impossible situation, really. Something so simple can't be that powerful, can it? Then it's not simple.

Hell, let's take a look, who do you find getting the most out of life? Since this is an opinion-based question I'm going to chalk it up as a rhetorical one. An obvious exemption is someone that refuses to indulge in such a beautiful thing without even giving it a try... For whatever reason: religious, moral, what the fuck ever. Personal choice, sure but not necessarily a correct one. These people don't really bring down our buzz, however, except when they start raising hell for their cause. Prohibition! I'm getting a bit off the subject. Rewind and continue.

Beer is complex. Beer is fantastic. It's the cure to social awkwardness and a shining white br, love, beer connaisseurs, wine, liquor, alcohol, salmon, chan, prohibition, daft, buzzed, faded, love, life, refreshing, optimism, religionknight in the face of diversity. Not much can't be solved over a pint. I'm no drunk, however; not uncontrollably at least. But I feel people that are open social drunks shouldn't be frowned down upon. I'm one of them. Yes, I'm a social 'drunker', not a social drinker. Not so much that I can't handle myself, though. And those I've converted down the same path are just as happy.

We don't hurt anyone. We don't cause problems. I know there's not much sense or sensibility to this post but I thought it may be a refreshing re-dose of optimisms for us beer lovers. Have one for me, everybody.

Rolling Rock, PBR, Bud, whatever your poison!

I hope you enjoyed. I feel enlightened already... Or I'm still a bit faded from Oktoberfest. Either way - down the hatch!

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